
18 starred restaurants in 11 hours: how much did the new Guinness record holder pay for this banquet?

An American has managed to break a new Guinness World Record by visiting 18 starred restaurants in a single day. We reveal how much this feast cost him.

If eating at a Michelin-starred restaurant can be difficult enough, eating at 18 different restaurants in a single day is quite a feat – and not an affordable one, by the way. This haute cuisine binge was carried out by American Eric Finkelstein, an IT consultant who planned this gastronomic route after joining a food group on the Discord platform. On 26 October he managed to get 18 starred reservations (4 of them were 2-starred) and for 11 hours he did not stop eating (very well, of course), setting a new record for Michelin-starred restaurants in a single day.

A gastro itinerary of this kind is not for everyone. But far from what it may seem, this foodie spent around €460. That’s not including taxes or the 30% tips he left at each place. In addition, given the number of restaurants he visited, he decided to opt for the “smaller and quicker” dishes so as not to die trying.

There are currently 415 starred restaurants in New York City. Finkelstein managed to visit 18 of them, including The Modern, where he tried Prince Edward Island oysters with kumquat mignonette and charred lime for $26, and Aquavit, where he ordered the four-ounce bowl of cranberry for $15.

In setting this new record, Eric explained that his favourite dishes were a tie between the Hake Crudo at Casa Mono, the Duck Mortadella at Francie and Everything Brioche at Red Paper Clip. As for his best overall experience, it was Noda.

If you want to try to beat this record, here are some of the cheapest starred restaurants in Spain.

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