
Zuberoa restaurant closes after 52 years

This legendary restaurant in Oyarzun announced a few months ago that this December 30 would be the final closure, after 52 years offering haute cuisine by the Arbelaitz family, for lack of generational replacement. This news led to a flood of reservations during the last months that have made the restaurant to be full until the closing day.

The restaurant considered by many as the best restaurant in the Basque Country is about to give the final touch to a cuisine with Basque roots directed by chef Hilario Arbelaitz, with classic dishes such as elver salad with lettuce brunoise, oyster jelly, caviar and smoked cod with cauliflower cream, game dishes, veal trotters and vegetable stew or foie gras with chickpea and cabbage broth, among other specialties.

Although it seems that the Arbelaitz brothers, Hilario, Eusebio and Joxe Mari are definitely retiring, as they commented in a recent interview, Zuberoa could continue its journey in other hands. There is already someone interested in continuing the legacy of the restaurant, maintaining its essence and some of its traditional dishes. But, for the moment, the name of the successor has not been revealed.