
Tell me what community you live in and I will tell you how much you spend each year in bars

Several studies agree that the average amount that each Spaniard spends each year in bars and restaurants is 1,000 euros. We reveal which communities spend the most money.

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The Spanish love for bars and restaurants is well known. From going for breakfast with toast, porras or a skewer of tortilla, to a good lunch, the menu of the day, or the beers, tapas and vermouth, among other social rituals that we love so much. But how much do we spend each year on these traditions? There are several studies on the subject, but all agree that, on average, each Spaniard spends more than 1,000 € per year in bars and restaurants, according to the analysis of INE or EITB Data. Of course, depending on the community in which you live that spending in bars rises, especially in northern Spain.

A few days ago, EITB Data published its study ‘Eating and drinking outside the home: customs, health, economic activity…’, where the Basque Country was ranked as the autonomous community that spends more on hospitality in the whole country. In total, 1,359 € per year in bars and restaurants, 13% more than the average for Spain. In second place, another community in the north of the country and very close to the Basques: Navarra, with 1,234 € per year. Followed very closely by La Rioja and Madrid, with a very similar expenditure to the Navarrese.

On the other hand, on the opposite side of the ranking are the Canary Islands, Castilla-La Mancha and Catalonia, whose citizens make an average annual expenditure of 706, 778 and 825 € per person, respectively, almost half that of the Basques. Why is this fact? Several factors can explain such a big difference between some areas and others. From the culture of pintxos and tascas, so deeply rooted in the Basque Country, to the higher prices or the higher purchasing power.

Basques, in the lead in general

The results of INE’s latest Household Budget Survey (HBS) for 2022 are also very similar. In general, the average expenditure per household dedicated to restaurants and hotels, occupied 29.1% of the total budget of each household. By autonomous communities, the top positions coincide with the EITB Data study, although they vary in position. According to INE data, the Basques would again be those who spend the most money each year in restaurants and hotels, followed by La Rioja, Navarra, Madrid and Aragon, all well above the average, which the INE figures at €1,195 (but also includes accommodation).

With respect to those who spend the least, here again are the Canary Islands, Castilla-La Mancha and Catalonia, together with Murcia. Below the average, the INE survey also places regions such as Cantabria, the Balearic Islands, Galicia, Valencia, Extremadura, Ceuta and Melilla.

And you, what do you usually spend in bars and in which community in Spain should you live according to this data?