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SALA DE DESPIECE x Antonyo Marest present a collection of artistic pieces inspired by the restaurant

SALA DE DESPIECE and its concept store, GALERÍA COMERCIAL, merge their culinary DNA with that of artist Antonyo Marest to launch a collaborative collection.

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SALA DE DESPIECE and Antonyo Marest now join forces to cook up a collection, piece by piece, of placemats, tablecloths, T-shirts and caps with aesthetic and conceptual references to the imaginary of the iconic restaurant that represents an ode to cutting rooms and central markets.

The gastronomic project thus expands its experience through artistic exploration with this limited edition collaboration with which GALERÍA COMERCIAL consolidates its role as a hub of creativity in the capital as a multifunctional and collaborative space with different artists.


Now the work of the artist Antonyo Marest is already installed in the space attached to SSD2 -located in Virgen de los Peligros Street-, displayed in its large real coolers that serve as product displays: both of his textile garments and of the accessories that recreate his favorite dishes from the store.

The inspiration came from the desire to recreate my favorite dishes from the menu within a visual and minimalist space, in which through patterns and the use of color we could tell a story,’ says Marest, who let himself be ‘counter-influenced’ by SALA DE DESPIECE for the conceptualization of his creations. In SDD no tablecloths are used and, for me, a good table or a good meal is one that has an after-dinner table. One where you know when you start, but not when you finish. Important meals are dressed with tablecloths and plates and that is the reason for this game of creating pieces that, in turn, are the anti-thought of what is lived in SDD’.

Marest has thus designed for GC a tablecloth, a napkin, placemats, a T-shirt -which reflects the design of the space, also intervened by his stroke- and a cap. In addition, he has created an open collection of hand-painted caps with the same materials that were used to create the work that is also represented on the ceiling.