
Amazon extends its futuristic “One’s Palm” payment technology to bars

The company continues to disrupt the industry through technological innovations such as its palm scanning device known as "Amazon One's Palm."

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The digital revolution continues to transform reality with the Amazon One’s Palm system and its palm scanning technology, which will soon be extended to bars. This interactive device for physical stores that debuted in 2020, before launching at Whole Foods last year, works on the basis of biometrics and/or the palm of the hand as a mode of identification, while decoding the origins of a possible obsolescence of traditional payment systems such as card or cash.

The palm scanner keeps a record of “scans,” and can be used to promote personal information to bartenders, such as seeing how many drinks the customer consumed before coming to the bar. Invasion of privacy then becomes a latent and/or decadent theme within this futuristic paradigm that Amazon plans to install in the Sandlot Brewery and Silver Bullet Bar, both located in Coors Field.

Systematization and AI thus merge in this new technology that Amazon will gradually extend in the hospitality universe, which can be used both to purchase and to verify age, avoid long waiting times to pay, as well as access loyalty subscriptions; while reviving the collective debate about the dehumanization and/or suppression of crucial elements in human interaction.