
Why is watercress the healthiest food on the planet?

The experts confirm it: watercress is the healthiest food in the world, and here are the reasons why.

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This perennial water plant common in streams, clear water streams and marshes, native to Europe and Central Asia, is considered one of the oldest vegetables consumed by the human race.

According to B&W Quality Growers, watercress is the most nutrient-rich vegetable in the world, and scientists are aligned with that thinking. Although its role can often be reduced to a simple side dish, it is the most powerful superfood on the planet after discovering that it can improve the performance of athletes, and much more.

A network of antioxidants and amino acids

‘With more than 28 vitamins, minerals and essential compounds, watercress is a superfood that offers a distinctive flavor that stands apart from many of the muted flavors provided by other salad greens,’ the company says. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, watercress has a nutrient density of 100 out of 100, ahead of Chinese cabbage, which ranks 91.99 on the scale.

Watercress, containing antioxidants and amino acids, triggers great benefits for both athletes and the general population, such as muscle regeneration, provides large doses of vitamin C and has very positive effects on the immune system. Antioxidants are the body’s main defense against system damage.