
This is how to prepare the traditional “potaje de vigilia”, the most traditional recipe of these dates

We show you how to prepare this spoon dish that will make you feel great these days.

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Although there are days when it doesn’t seem like it, we are still in the high season of spoon dishes. For those who follow the traditions, one of the dishes that most appeals at this time of the year is the potaje de vigilia, a typical recipe of Lent and Easter. It is a classic preparation of the grandmother, which is very nutritious and complete, and serves as a unique dish. In addition, it is prepared in a very simple way. If you have not yet made it at home, here is the recipe of potaje de vigilia.

Receta de potaje de vigilia

Potaje de vigilia recipe


  • First cook the eggs. When they are cool, peel them and set aside.
  • The next step is to prepare the sofrito. In a frying pan with oil, add the onion, bell pepper, tomato and garlic (you can even add leek). Let it cook well for about 10 minutes.
  • Then, pour the fish stock and leave it for a few minutes, integrating it well. Set aside.
  • In a pot with plenty of water and a pinch of salt, add the cod in slices with the spinach and the chickpeas. Add paprika to taste and the bay leaf. Leave the pot on the heat for about 20 minutes.
  • Finally, add the sofrito and the hard-boiled eggs (in quarters) and let everything cook for another 10 minutes.
  • After this time, it is ready to serve.