
Neither with milk, nor cut: this is a flat white and this is how to prepare it

Google pays tribute to this popular café by dedicating a special Doodle to it.

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With the rise of specialty coffee shops, the flat white has become one of the most popular coffees. This drink invented in Australia in the early 80s would be halfway between cappuccino and cortado, but has managed to carve out a niche with its own name. So much so that even Google has just dedicated the Doodle of the day to it.

El Doodle del Flat White publicado por Google.

For example, the main difference with the cappuccino is that the latter has a balanced proportion of coffee, milk and foam, while the flat white has a higher proportion of coffee, although it has milk and also a thin layer of foam, which would make it more similar to the cortado, due to the prevalence of coffee in its flavor. In any case, below we show you step by step how to prepare a flat white at home so that you can join this trend.

How to prepare a flat white


  • Ground espresso coffee (equivalent to one capsule)
  • 100 ml of milk
  • Frother
  • Cup with a capacity of 150-200 ml


  • Prepare the coffee and pour about 35 ml into the cup.
  • Heat the milk and, in a small pitcher, use the milk frother until you have a 1 or 2 cm layer of foam. Hold the pitcher and place it about 3-4 cm from the cup, and pour the milk steadily. As the volume inside the cup increases, bring the carafe closer to the surface of the beverage. When the carafe touches the coffee, tilt it to accelerate the pouring. In this way, the milk will fold over itself, creating a sort of pattern at the top.