
Joan Roca publishes a cookbook that pays tribute to Mediterranean cuisine

The chef of El Celler de Can Roca has teamed up with Salvador Brugués to launch a book containing 80 Mediterranean recipes to make at home.

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Joan Roca, the eldest of the Roca brothers, has just published a new cookbook together with Salvador Brugués, collaborator of El Celler de Can Roca. In Cocinar el Mediterráneo, available from February 21, Joan Roca travels from Algeciras to Istanbul to pay tribute to Mediterranean gastronomy through 80 simple recipes that can be replicated at home.

Roca, considered one of the world’s leading gastronomic references, has chosen on this occasion to highlight what he considers the best cuisine in the world and, undoubtedly, one of the most diverse. The recipes included in Roca and Brugués’ book are a celebration of flavors, aromas and traditional techniques of the Mediterranean, whose gastronomic heritage is incomparable.

As they have posted on the restaurant’s Instagram, this luminous book is “a meeting of different cuisines and cultures, focused with the same light, the same intensity, the same landscape. We are Mediterranean and our sea has been a way of communication with folds of cultures for centuries and today maintains the same vitality, beauty and charm of an ancient and rich gastronomic culture”.

Throughout its 224 pages, the reader will find vegetable, fish, meat, sharing and finger food, sweet and savory dishes, but will also learn concepts such as the different cuts, preprocessing, cooking or some good practices in the kitchen.

You can consult the complete information and purchase cookbook by Joan Roca on the publisher’s website.