
How to prepare patatas revolconas, a never-failing tapa recipe

We show you the simple recipe for this delicious potato tapa, typical of Castilla y León and some areas of Extremadura.

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Potatoes are one of the most repeated ingredients in many typical Spanish tapas. One recipe where they have great prominence is in the revolconas potatoes. This traditional dish, very typical especially in the regions of Castilla y León and Extremadura, is one of those tapas that never fails and are very easy to make. To encourage you to prepare them at home, here we leave you the step by step.

Revolconas potatoes recipe


  • 4 medium potatoes
  • 200 g of marinated bacon from Soria or torreznos from Soria
  • A pinch of paprika de la Vera and a pinch of hot paprika.
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 2 bay leaves
  • Extra virgin olive oil to taste
  • Salt
Receta de patatas revolconas


  • First peel the potatoes while you put water to boil in a pot with a pinch of salt. Cook the potatoes for about 25 minutes, until you see that they are well done. Let cool and set aside.
  • On the other hand, chop the bacon and fry it in a frying pan with olive oil until it is golden brown.
  • In the same pan brown the sliced garlic cloves, remove from the heat and add a pinch of paprika de la Vera to integrate with the oil and bacon fat.
  • Finally, put the potatoes in a bowl and mash them well, adding also the mixture of garlic and paprika. Once everything is integrated, add the pieces of bacon and garnish with a bay leaf.